Partner With Us

To successfully implement our vision we need the help and support of our school families and friends in and around the community. If you would like to be part of investing in the future of HLCA and the community, please consider partnering with us in any of the following ways:


Invest in Us

Invest your finances or services. All donations are tax-deductible, as House of the Lord Christian Academy is a 501c3 non-profit. We encourage our financial partners to invest in areas you are passionate about: technology, science, the arts, sports or any other facet of education that is important to you. Our youth are our future, and we take great pride in using all of our funds with integrity, wisdom and prudence. Donate here - we thank you for your partnership.

Prayer Partner

Become a prayer partner. Prayer is an essential element in any endeavor. No matter what your involvement, please consider praying with us for the success of our school, our students and our faculty. We want to see God’s Kingdom come in our time and place and need your prayers to support our efforts. Thank you for lifting House of the Lord Christian Academy up.



Legacy Team

Become involved with our Legacy team. We offer tours of HLCA and its existing classrooms as well as provide the community with testimonies of the school's successful educational program. We meet monthly to organize school fundraisers and community events. We’d love to have you join us for a meeting to see what it’s all about!